Programming of the career self-study tool " career choice tests."
Help in choosing a future profession
About the Client - VIAA
The State Education Development Agency (VIAA) is a direct administrative institution under the authority of the Minister of Education and Science. The purpose of VIAA's activity is to implement the national policy in the field of education, science, and innovation and to ensure the implementation and monitoring of national, European Union (EU) policies and programs, projects, and initiatives of foreign financial aid instruments under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science. [Resource] is a national database of educational opportunities. It consists of two parts:
The website will help you find answers to the questions "What to study?" and "Where to study?". Visitors can access information on educational opportunities offered by educational institutions, articles on current educational issues, career tests, and the chance to communicate with e-consultants.
With the help of
young people can more easily understand themselves and choose a future profession.
About the Project
Programming a Career Choice Test Tool
It is necessary to create a tool with 4 career tests intended for young people. These tests are a tool that will make the daily work of career counselors easier.
The project was implemented according to the Scrum methodology.

Tasks to be performed by Midis:
Career test homepage and design development, including for mobile devices.
Development of the functional prototype of the test website.
Public side and content management system programming.
Software testing and deployment on the customer's server.
Development of documentation and training the customer's employees to work with the content management system of the test website.
Implementation of the customer's change request.
Project Team
The project manager, UX/UI expert, developers, and business analyst participated in the project.
Technologies Used in the Project
Backend: Drupal 9 and MySQL,
Frontend: jQuery, Sass, and Bootstrap 5

Profession Cards
During the project, 105 occupation cards were developed.

SIA "Midis" RSEZ is characterized by a proactive and creative approach to solving the tasks specified in the technical specification of the contract. The Scrum methodology used in the execution of the agreement made it possible to monitor the implementation of the project promptly and to solve the issues arising during the execution of the contract. It also made it possible to ensure operational communication throughout the contract execution. The implementation team searched for the best technology and user interface solutions and went deeper into achieving the goals of the test website. We are delighted with the company's work and highly value the organization of the project and the exchange of information.
Develop a website, content management system, and design for mobile devices. Train staff to work with the content management system.
A modern content management system with a public part was developed where young people can fill out the test in an interactive way by dragging and placing occupation cards on the pedestal. Take tests with interactive scales that help you better choose the answer to the statements presented pleasantly.
A content management system that enables young people to take tests interactively and get results immediately when the test is completed. Work simplified for career counselors, reducing the time for processing test results while discussing the results with young people.