eKarjeras tests - website development

eKarjeras tests - website development

About the State Employment Agency of Latvia

The State Employment Agency is a direct administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Welfare.

The Agency aims to implement public policies to reduce unemployment and support the unemployed, job seekers, and people at risk of unemployment.

The State Employment Agency of Latvia supports young people in finding their first job, as well as experienced clients who are changing their current occupation for one reason or another.

NVA Logo

About the State Employment Agency of Latvia

The State Employment Agency is a direct administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Welfare.​

The Agency aims to implement public policies to reduce unemployment and support the unemployed, job seekers, and people at risk of unemployment.

The State Employment Agency of Latvia supports young people in finding their first job, as well as experienced clients who are changing their current occupation for one reason or another.


About the project

As part of the public procurement, Midis won the selection to implement the project planned by the State Employment Agency - eKarjeras tests. The solution offers two self-assessment tests designed to help people assess their skills and identify suitable career paths. Developed in 2023 as part of the EU's Recovery Fund project, these tests assess skills applicable in different occupational fields and work environments, helping with career development and skills upgrading.

NVA eKarjeras tests - example

eKarjeras tests

eKarjeras tests are designed for clients of the State Employment Agency and anyone else interested in finding out more about their skills, interests, and qualities in order to choose or develop their career.

NVA eKarjeras tests - Result

The Process

When a user enters the website, they can select the test they want to take. The user is then given the option to either login or take the test as a guest. Authorization allows you to take the test in several attempts, save the intermediate score store the completed test in your profile access it at any time, and download the document in PDF format. This allows the user to skip taking the test multiple times and present the results to the career counsellor immediately upon arrival for career counselling.

NVA eKarjeras tests - Start

In case the user is taking the test as a guest, upon completion it is possible to download a PDF document containing the results of the test.

Client Testimonial

NVA eKarjeras tests - Customer review


Develop a website that enables customers of the State Employment Agency or other interested persons who want to find out about their skills, interests, and qualities to explore career opportunities that match them.


A Drupal-based website with 4 screen contrast modes and text magnification for visually impaired users. The website administrator has access to statistical data that can be visualized in different dimensions. The test results can be downloaded as a PDF document. Authorized user profile where results are stored and can be accessed at any time. 


Optimization of the daily work of the career counselor facilitated test processing. Automatic aggregation of test results, possibility to analyze statistical data in different dimensions, simplified test completion process, anyone can complete the test at home or during a consultation.