Kristīne Timoškina Create professional sales quotations in minutes and email them to customers with one click Odoo CRM and Sales modules are a great and powerful combination in the salesperson tool list. Using the Odoo sales module, you can send customer quotations prepared in less than a minute through the s... Odoo
Kristīne Timoškina Odoo Customer Relationship Management System: Up-to-date solution for effective sales If you are looking to optimize the sales process, be sure to get acquainted with the customer relationship management (CRM) system. Integrating CRM into your daily workflow will help your sales team t...
Kristīne Timoškina Wholesale industry: process management in a single platform and arranged stock movement control In wholesale, as in all sectors, there are many different tasks that need to be managed, from the purchase of goods from suppliers to the distribution of goods to wholesalers and final consumers. It i... Odoo
Kristīne Timoškina GAP analysis *Kas ir priekšizpēte?* ** Tas ir pirmais posms, lai sasniegtu kvalitatīvu projekta rezultātu. Priekšizpētes būtība ir salīdzināt uzņēmuma faktisko situāciju ar potenciālo vai vēlamo situāciju... Odoo
Kristīne Timoškina Odoo Accounting Module Odoo Grāmatvedības modulis ir viens no Odoo platformas rīkiem, kas izstrādāti, lai palielinātu uzņēmuma produktivitāti. Modulis automatizē grāmatvežu darbu un ļauj sekot uzņēmuma naudas plūsmai... Odoo
Kristīne Timoškina Odoo ERP system Odoo ERP system is a powerful tool that manages and provides business activities, covering most of the functionality required to manage the operational processes of the company. ERP system manages pro... Odoo
Kristīne Timoškina 7 reasons for choosing the Odoo ERP system? Veiksmīgu uzņēmumu nav iespējams izveidot vienas nakts laikā. Tam visam nepieciešama pieredze, prasmes un uzņēmējdarbības atjautība, kā arī pārdomāta operatīvo procesu vadīšana un resursu plānošana... Odoo